Legal Precedure To Apply Contractor Licence

The Contractor License is a requirement in terms of registration of building contractors who make construction under license, and the employment and supervision of licensed craftsmen. Real and legal persons who want to obtain a contractor license should make their applications to the provincial directorates of the Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

There are several different types of Contractor License. Contractors are obliged to obtain a document group in the type and square meter of the building they will build. It is not possible to obtain permission from the municipality and the relevant administration to construct the superstructures with incomplete or incorrect documents.

For example, If the m² of construction requires a Type E License, contractors must have at least Type E License or any above license than type E for the construction. ….. m² is given as an example, it is also important in its class (III-A, III-B, IV-A..) beside for its simple measurement.

After the type of the license is determined, the criterias’ (financial, economic, technical, and labor) determined for this license type, must be fulfilled by the contractors. All these criterias’ are explained in Articles 12 and 13 of the Regulation named; "Regulation on Classification of Building Contractors and Keeping Their Records".

After the official certification that each criteria’ is filled at a minimum standard, the ministry will evaluate the application and Contractor License will be given to those who qualify. No written document is given for Contractor License, and the license type is determined by defining the authorization document number on the system upon application. Relevant institutions view the authorization license through the YAMBIS system.

In buildings with a maximum of two floors and a total building construction area not exceeding 500 m2 in a single parcel, excluding a basement floor, a "Temporary Contractor License" number is given to the owner of the building, to be used in the construction work and only once and for a single building within five years. Except for the Temporary Contractor License, KEP (Registered Electronic Mail) address is required for all types (A,B,B1,C,C1,D,D1,E,E1,F,F1,G,G1,H) in license applications.

In the article 14thof the Regulation, license types and their usage areas are explained. According to this article license types are presented as following table:

In order to obtain a Contractor License Number, the registration fees, specified in the table below, must be paid to the Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change’s Fund Operations Office.

Fees are as follows;

License Number Registration Fees (If there is no previous contracting registration):

According to Article 11/7 of the Regulation; "Applications made by contractors to a different type, than the type of license they have, are considered as new applications."


Application for Temporary Contractor License (Those who will be the contractor of their own land)

1. Application petition.

2. License Application Form

3. Engagement Document

4. Copy of the Identity Card

5. Copy of the Title Deed (Notarized consent letter from partners in joint title deeds)

6. Receipt. A reference number is required. For the commercial enterprises and cooperatives of foundations, associations and the like, which will build their own structure, the following documents are required in addition to the applications for the Temporary Contractor License.

7. Document proving that the person who signed the application is authorized to make the application

8. The original of the Chamber Registration Certificate from the Turkish Chamber of Industry and Commerce

9. The original of the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette

Legal Person Contractor License Application

1. Application petition. On the petition; It is obligatory to indicate the KEP address and which group the application is made to. (It differs for those with and without a previous Contractor License) 2. Contractor License Application Form

3. Copy of the Identity Card. (Separate copy of ID for each of the partners, if there are any)

4. Original copy of Chamber of Commerce Trade Registry Certificate – up to date

5. Original copy of the trade activity report of the company issued by the Chamber of Commerce– up to date

6. The original copies of the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette extract - (From the incorporation to the day of application)

7. Receipt. A reference number is required.

8. Document showing that the operating status is active according to the records of the Revenue Administration – Up to date

9. Copy of the Tax Plate

10. Notarized copy of the Signature circular

11. Declaration Trade Registration Status

12. Engagement Letter for Notification Obligation

13. Economic and Financial Sufficiency Statement Form (excluding type H)

14. Bank Reference Letter (excluding type H)

15. Occupational and Technical Competence Notification Form (excluding type H)

16. Work Experience Documents (excluding type H)

17. Original copy of the Certificate of Partnership Confirmation (on the cases a partnership exists)

18. Joint Venture Decleration (If the JV is a venture)

19. Notarized partnership agreement (on the cases a JV exists)

As a result of entering the information, that was in the documents submitted to the Directorate, into the system, License Type Assignment is automatically defined by the system. Any objection should be made to the ministry.

All application documents and receipts will be delivered to the document registration unit in a sealed envelope and no document control will be carried out by the ministry. If there are any deficiencies, they will be notified to the applicant within five business days following the date of registration of the application and the applicant will be requested to correct the deficiencies or errors in the application, within five business days after the notification. If not, the application will be rejected. Notifications are made to the declared KEP address.